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Elaboration of Teaching Aids with Technology 4.0 by High School Students of the Technical School of the Central Technical Institute, Bogotá, Colombia

Elaboración de ayudas didácticas con tecnología 4.0 por estudiantes del bachillerato de la Escuela Técnica Instituto Técnico Central, Bogotá, Colombia


How to Cite
Elaboration of Teaching Aids with Technology 4.0 by High School Students of the Technical School of the Central Technical Institute, Bogotá, Colombia (C. J. Garcia- Castellanos & W. F. González-Castillo , Trans.). (2023). Letras ConCiencia TecnoLógica, 21.


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The use of technological tools generated within the framework of Industry 4.0, focused on training in technical education, seeks, through the process of 3D modeling, 3D printing, augmented reality and virtual reality, to establish strategies that allow the construction of full-scale functional models, which can be used didactically by students, without the limitations that would involve taking them to a workshop to practice with real equipment.   The objectives outlined in the project allowed the entire process to be carried out, from the creation, through 3D modeling, to its materialization, thanks to the use of 3D printing technologies, augmented reality, and virtual reality. It was possible to establish a series of functional didactic resources to be used as part of the training of other groups of students, while it was possible to strengthen the topic of soft skills competencies.

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