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Characterization of the Use of 3D Design Software at ETITC

Caracterización del Uso de Software de Diseño 3D en la ETITC


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Characterization of the Use of 3D Design Software at ETITC (C. J. García Castellanos , Trans.). (2022). Letras ConCiencia TecnoLógica, 19.


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The use of 3D design software in the Higher Education programs of the Central Technical School (ETITC), is part of the training process of future professionals; with the implementation of Solid Works we sought to characterize the current management conditions of teachers and students in order to generate a massive use of it with a view to take advantage of all the tools offered by the software that allows leveraging the knowledge developed within the program content. In the characterization, it was identified that the knowledge of the software, both by teachers and students is low, however, the presence of this software in the different academic activities is high in comparison with other software, as well as the interest to continue deepening in the knowledge of its use and tools.

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