Thought artistic contributions to integral education
Aportes del pensamiento artístico a la educación integral
Atribución - No Comercial – Compartir igual (by-nc-sa): permite a los usuarios distribuir, remezclar, retocar, y crear a partir de la obra original de modo no comercial, siempre y cuando se dé reconocimiento al autor y se licencien o circulen sus nuevas creaciones u obras derivadas bajo las mismas condiciones de esta licencia.
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This article presents the results of the educational practice in the area of Plastie Arts with Seventh Grade´s students of the Technology School Central Technical Institute, it seeks to identify, define and set up observation and registration instruments, that evidence the artistic development thought, to show that in the educational process underlying expressive elements of impact and progress on the intellective, sensitive, volitional and affective student potential
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