Distance learning through technology: Challenges the 21st century
Aprendizaje a Distancia por medio de la Tecnología: Desafíos del Siglo XXI
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Now that we are well into the 21st century, there are more and more people interested in the application of new technologies to distance learning. The combination of faster access and lower connection prices (for example, satellite-based transmission that can be received in every household) can be foreseen to be a determining factor that facilitates the quality and degree of Internet2 usage. Characteristics of didactic material of this type are highly likely to include a dynamic presentation of the material, a greater degree of interactivity between the user and the material, a generative production of both material and exercises, a portability of the working environment and material to a wider range of contexts than there are at the moment, and a more intelligent treatment of the user in the study environment.
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