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Method For The Development Of The Aesthetic

Método Para El Desarrollo De La Conciencia Conscience As A Mean To Understand The Art


How to Cite
Method For The Development Of The Aesthetic: Conscience As A Mean To Understand The Art (R. J. García de Espíndola , Trans.). (2018). Letras ConCiencia TecnoLógica, 2, 60-69.


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Having implemented, in 1995 the ARTISTIC AREA at the CENTRAL TECHNICAL Institute for secondary students, with a focus on the autonomous desire of learning and with the purpose of sensitizing to the educational community. In 1999, the artistic expression’s area was consolidated as mandatory and fundamental in the Basic Education for sixth to ninth grades, responding in this way to dispositions of the General Law of Education 1994, 23 and 31 Articles. With the emergence and establishment of the art in the Institutional Educational Project, and given the character of technical teaching Institution, some weaknesses star demanding investigation with the purpose of confi gure a methodological proposal to provide a pedagogic formal structure to the artistic expression’s area, involving developments of sensitive potentialities, intellectuals and refl exives in the students in order to achieve a grade of ethic conscience, aesthetics, criticism and refl exive to propitiate the understanding of the art.

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