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Experimental trials about the capacitance in designing and constructing of an educational capacitor

Pruebas experimentales acerca de la capacitancia en el diseño y construcción de un condensador didáctico

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Experimental trials about the capacitance in designing and constructing of an educational capacitor (J. J. Layton Corzo , Trans.). (2019). Letras ConCiencia TecnoLógica, 18, 15-21.


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Through the design and construction of an experimental artifact and the use of the Arduino electronic circuit as a measuring instrument, a series of experiments were carried out on the capacitance of two parallel copper plates. For the experiments a mobile parallel plate capacitor was developed that works as an experimental pla-

tform, which serves to make measurements of the capacitance varying its structural form in its plate’s area, the                     

distance and the dielectric that divides them. The values of the measurements in Pico, Nano and Micro farads

can be seen on a computer screen where the Arduino software has been installed previously, these experimental                                                                                                                                                                                                             15

results were compared with other theoretical results previously studied and thus carrying out in laboratory prac- ticals. These experiments allow students to get closer to a greater understanding of the subject as well as in deep research on instrumental applications. The construction of this prototype takes students from the theoretical learning of the subject to the experimentation and in the search of applications of their knowledge interacting in an educational way with the variables described in this device.

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