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Life cycle analysis in power generation by anaerobic bio digestion

Análisis de ciclo de vida en la generación eléctrica por biodigestión anaerobia


How to Cite
Life cycle analysis in power generation by anaerobic bio digestion (G. A. López Martínez , Trans.). (2017). Letras ConCiencia TecnoLógica, 17, 12-17.


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This research is divided into four sections: the first one describes the of biomass digestion process, its different types of bio digesters and the environmental requirements to generate biogas; the second one answers the question “what Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is, in which the stages, the environmental impacts assessed and a gene- ral overview for a general product are mentioned; the third section presents the results of an application of LCA to a cogeneration a power 1 MW-h plant from the use of biogas in an agricultural farm. Finally, the conclusions highlight a significant reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases, but a slight increase in two environmental aspects such as acidification and eutrophication are shown as a warning.

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