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A tour around the days of the earth and the eco business samples carried out at ETITC by the group GEA

Un recorrido por las Jornadas de la Tierra y las muestras ecoempresariales realizadas en la ETITC por el grupo GEA


How to Cite
A tour around the days of the earth and the eco business samples carried out at ETITC by the group GEA (A. K. Prieto Sáenz, R. Y. Cárdenas Rodríguez, M. F. S. Monroy González, & G. A. López Martínez , Trans.). (2019). Letras ConCiencia TecnoLógica, 14, 42-49.


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This article shows the activities that were developed in the different workdays during the day of the Earth and 42 the eco-business samples at ETITC that were carried out under the coordination of GEA Group (Interdisciplinary Group of Environmental Studies) and the research hotbed “SER” (Research Hotbed of Alternative Energy). The activities were basically guided to raise awareness on the importance of taking care of the planet on students from “Bachillerato Técnico Industrial” as well as students from Professional Careers in the higher education program. To follow this goal two activities were created: One educational action and one eco business sample. The educational one points to give conferences and develop workshops on environmental topics with the exper- tise of internal and external guests, using display posters and prototypes made and developed by teachers and students from the institution. On the other hand, the eco business sample involves the exhibition and sales of products made from recycled materials; those are ecological processes developed by entrepreneur’s students and invited enterprises that show successful business environmental projects. This article includes information from the year 2008 to 2015.

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